These days, relying on your day job to make ends meet is not enough. as the cost of living in south africa continues to inch upwards, many people are struggling to keep money in their savings. To make extra money while reducing your carbon footprint, start a recycling scheme in your area. for information on glass recycling, call the glass recycling bank on 011 803 0767. for plastic, call petco on 021 794 6300.. 3 ways to make some extra cash. a south african company may enlist the skills of a writer in australia to do their press releases. a company in the uk may hire a south african to design a new.
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Make extra cash from the very comfort of your own bed. let's face it, we are always in need of some extra cash in our bank accounts, whether we are working full-time, part-time, or are unemployed. the internet has become such a lucrative space. it has given us the opportunity to make money by. 8 simple ways to earn extra money. 4 years ago . sometimes, a month can become very long – meaning that your salary will have to stretch that extra bit further. **2. being an extra means extra cash** – south africa is a very popular film location. more and more production companies from all over the world are coming down to sa to shoot. Earning money from your laptop means you can be anywhere, allowing you to get even close to living the holiday. we've put together 5 cool ways for you to earn cash on your terms. 5 clever ways to earn money from your laptop in south africa –